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Jumping into Australasian Daily Life & Culture (Australasian)

2021-08-25 3:00 pm
2021-08-25 4:00 pm

$ 0.00

This program is currently not available for registration


There are no ticket available at this time.


신청 마감: 2021년 8월 23일 오후 6시 *100명 선착순 접수 예정

Event Details

Date: Wednesday, 25 Aug 2021, 3~4PM (approximately 1 hour)

Location: SGCC YouTube channel (

Cost: Free (pre-booking required)


Program Introduction

It is not easy for us to travel the world these days due to the pandemic. Instead, let’s go on a virtual trip to Australasia!

Australasia is a region which is located in the Southern Hemisphere. It includes Australia, New Zealand which are well known to us. What comes to you mind when you think of Australia or New Zealand? Do you imagine Koala and Kangaroo unconsciously?

This time, let’s learn about a brief history and cultural backgrounds of Australasia that you probably haven’t heard before.

*For those who participate in the quiz event after the lecture, there’s a chance to get a free gift. So, don’t miss it!!


– Online lecture, conducted with sequential Korean and English translation, is a program to learn about interesting but little known Korean or global cultures through various topics.

– Program schedules are subject to change, and you can contact the center for inquiries.

– Applicants will have to agree to provide basic personal information, such as name, nationality, and email address. The collected information will be shared with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul Tourism Organization for the next event notifications.

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